“Dream Shirt”

17 Jul

hi hi…

have u ever thinking to write down all of ur dreams on a shirt ???

dreams are the result of ‘day dreaming’ and should be written

many of us, have a dreambook which in it written all of our dreams

but, sometimes we forget what we’ve written in the dreambook

and we’re just spend our precious time without a vision of life which we’ve write it down in our dreambook

so that, we announce here,,we have an alternative dreams documentation..

you can write some of ur some short-term targets in a T-shirt..!!!

like this, check this out:

nah, you just tell us what is ur dreams..

and we’ll help u to write it on a T-shirt in order to you all guys always remember ur dreams, and LIVE our dreams !!

if you interested in :

-> tell us ur dreams (texted us @ 085691297393)

with format: name-ur dreams-kind of T-shirt (long/short shirt)-color of ur dreams-font

-> our T-shirt for now are only white..

-> then we discuss about the payment and etc via mobile message ! 🙂

hi Indonesian Midwives and Midwife will be !!!!

17 Jul

hi Indonesian next Midwives generation !! we’re “La Nourandya Shop” we provide any unique Midwifery stuff…:))

let us introducing ourselves..we consist of three girls and we’re Midwife will be :),,

-Nourma Kurnia Fatmala, 20th years old

-Rani Hardi Ningsih, 20th years old

-Anidya Indri Rachim, 20 years old

therefore, we named our shop “La NouRanDya Shop” :))

besides that, you can get articles and journals about midwifery or obstetrics here..:)

we’ll upload our stuff, then u can get something unique which is midwifery stuff oriented ..

happy shopping then !


La Nourandya Shop

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8 Jul

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